830 N Main St • Pueblo, CO 81003
VOICE: 719-543-0002 • FAX: 719-543-0062
Richard OronaCommission Meeting
Commission meetings are available remotely via the Zoom streaming app.
The next meeting will be on 02/19/2025 at 8:00am
Please be sure to install the Zoom app on a compatible device before the start of the meeting.
A link to the meeting will be posted here, you are welcome to join the waiting room before the official start time.
A link to join is active the day of between 6:30am and 9:30am.
Meeting guidelines:
Violation of these guidelines may result in muting or removal from the meeting.
Meetings are recorded.
Please use an appropriate Username.
No inappropriate comments or chat messages.
To reduce background noise you will be muted upon entering the meeting.
Please request for permission to address the commission before entering the conversation.
Please do not un-mute unless asked to join the conversation.
Public commentary is available upon registration. Please review, complete, and return this form
in person or by email to reserve a spot if you would like to bring something to the commission or a board's attention.